Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today, like all other weekend days, life was uneventful. I realized that the older I get the less things I find myself getting in to. I wake up, get my morning cup of vanilla soy latte from Starbucks, go for a walk, come home, read chapters of the current novel I'm on, fix the bed, clean the kitchen, sweep the living room, and some where in there, take a nice relaxing shower. By this time, kids are up, and have made their way out the door to enjoy the day with their friends, and husband is late for work, again.

My days have become so predictable. I must live a boring life, people would think. Am I bored? On the contrary, I'm not. I'm content. But is that enough? If I have to question myself, obviously, it's not, right? For the most part, it is quite accurate. I am content. But there are days, I want to go out and do something totally different and spontaneous.

So I tell myself, I'm going to do it. I'm going to wake up one day and do what ever comes to mind. But first, I have to make sure that the kids have plans. Make sure that whatever their plans are, they have a safe ride there. And I'll need to know who they're with, what they will be doing and what time they will be coming home. After getting that together, during my spontaneous moment, I will have to decide how much money will I need, will I have enough gas, and what should I wear? Oh, and definitely, when I decide on my spontaneous endeavor, what am I going to eat? Will it be during breakfast, lunch or dinner time..or will it be all day? I might have to pack a lunch or bring snacks from home. I would definitely need to plan for when my spontaneous moment comes.