Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Senior Drivers: To Drive or Not to Drive

I consider myself a very patient driver. For the most part, I'm very cautious and courteous of other drivers. I try my best not to talk on my cell phone unless absolutely necessary, and when I do, I use the speaker phone. I am guilty of driving and texting at the same time. I do admit to that. But again, for the most part, I'm a very safe and courteous driver.

The one thing I absolutely lose my patient over are older drivers aka senior drivers. It is a law that you have to be certain age to attain a driver's license. I think we need a law that states that after a certain age, your license will be revoked. Don't get me wrong, not all senior citizen drivers should be taken off the road, but the majority of them should not be allowed to touch a steering wheel.

Today, while out on my lunch break, a elderly woman, driving a very expensive Audi, was going 30 mph while the rest of the traffic was going 60. So of course I had to honk my horn at her to make her aware that she was holding traffic up; but then again, she probably didn't hear the honking because she was looking over her steering wheel straight ahead like nothing was wrong. O.k. so at this point, I in-haled and ex-haled and went about my merry way.

On my way back to work, I encounterd another slow driver. Now, I couldn't tell at first if it was a senior driver because there was a another car in between us. But he/she did have a handicapp sticker on their license plate. I'm not trying to sterotype here, but the majority of handicapp sticker owners are senior citizens. So, again, slow as a turtle. Sigh. Then, half way up a mile into following this slow driver, another elderly driver, in a Jag, decides to pull out in front of the first elderly driver. So, by now you're thinking, "Oh no. They crashed into each other!" Um, no. They were moving way too slow to do that. But the elderly Jag driver did freak out and decide to stop to avoid from getting hit by the other elderly driver who was only going 15 mph at this point. So, now you're thinking, the elderly Jag driver pulled over to the side to let the passing traffic through. Not likely. Instead, he stops in the middle of the street and everyone behind him had to "slowly" avoid from hitting each other. There was no screeching of tires; remember everyone is still going pretty slow. So finally, after a good 5 seconds of paused traffic, everyone went on their merry way and I'm left frustrated and totally obsessed with the fact that OLD PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING!!!